
Pipeline Technical Director I

工作 ID 10000429 地點 悉尼, 澳大利亞 有意工作的公司 Industrial Light & Magic 日期已公佈 Sep. 24, 2024


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ESPN 高級研究員 Ana


ILM is currently hiring Pipeline Technical Director at all levels and often in multiple locations. You may not see your specific career level advertised online, through the process you and your recruiter will work together to find the right role that combines your unique experience and career goals.

We are hiring across all levels for this discipline

Your role?

The Pipeline TD is responsible for developing and maintaining software tools, providing front-line support to artists, and general troubleshooting of the CG pipeline in a fast-paced, feature film visual effects production environment. The primary focus is ensuring artist efficiency. The Pipeline TD receives day-to-day direction and priorities from ILM’s show CG Supervisor; reports to R&D supervisor for technical and career guidance.

What will you be doing?

  • Develop pipeline and asset management tools to meet immediate, show-directed production demands, ensuring facility-wide consistency as directed by show and technical supervisors. Help maintain a wide array of existing workflows and scripts.
  • Provide front-line production support across a wide range of disciplines, troubleshoot assets and shots, and help artists with general problem-solving. Monitor email requests, package up problems and redirect to appropriate engineering team.
  • Test and validate tools and techniques in production. Work closely with engineering teams in testing, and releasing new and modified software systems.
  • Act as an on-call resource for show production staff.
  • Collaborate effectively with artists, production supervisors, and technical staff across ILM studios in San Francisco, Vancouver, London and Sydney.
  • When not crewed to shows, serve on software teams working on projects that improve the efficiency of asset setup, caching, and shot-data handoff between artists across the entire pipeline.
  • Take direction from show supervisors to determine day-to-day and hour-to-hour priorities.
  • Work primarily on tools of moderate complexity, requiring general understanding of the larger pipeline.
  • Provide front-line support and gather information about artist problems and obstacles; resolve complex user errors; connect artists with deeper problems to appropriate technical support.
  • Develop broad knowledge of software, systems, and standards and conventions used in production.
  • Update documentation for the pipeline and tools to reflect any changes that are made.

To be a contributing member of this team, you will have a mix of these skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Computer Science or a related technical field.
  • Demonstrated experience developing and maintaining tools for use in computer graphics.
  • At least 2 years production experience in visual effects for film, commercials or television.
  • Proficiency in Linux
  • Strong Python scripting required
  • Experience in one or more of Maya, Nuke, Houdini, Mari, Katana, RenderMan, Unreal Engine or similar.
  • Ability to communicate cross-discipline and provide innovative solutions to pipeline issues.
  • Detail oriented and strong self-sufficient in trouble shooting.


This position is with Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. LLC, which is part of a business segment we call Industrial Light & Magic. Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. LLC is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, colour, religion or belief, sex, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, disability or pregnancy or maternity. Disney fosters a business culture where ideas and decisions from all people help us grow, innovate, create the best stories and be relevant in a rapidly changing world.


關於Industrial Light & Magic:

ILM 由 George Lucas 於 1975 年創立,擁有世界領先的設施,服務電影、商業製作和吸引力產業。ILM 已為 325 多個拍攝影片創造了視覺效果,並在有史以來全球票房前 10 名中的 7 部中發揮了重要作用,並在前 50 名中參與了 25 部。ILM 設定了視覺效果的標準,在電影歷史上打造一些極有魅力的角色。公司為數碼革命的前沿,繼續在視覺效果、VR、AR以及沉浸式影院中開辟新天地。

關於 The Walt Disney Company:

Walt Disney Company 連同其子公司和聯營公司,是領先的多元化國際家庭娛樂和媒體企業,其業務主要涉及三個範疇:Disney Entertainment、ESPN 及 Disney Experiences。Disney 在 1920 年代的起步之初,只是一間卡通工作室,至今已成為娛樂界的翹楚,並昂然堅守傳承,繼續為家庭中每位成員創造世界一流的故事與體驗。Disney 的故事、人物與體驗傳遍世界每個角落,深入人心。我們在 40 多個國家/地區營運業務,僱員及演藝人員攜手協力,創造全球和當地人們都珍愛的娛樂體驗。

這個職位隸屬於 ILM (Australia) Pty. Ltd.,其所屬的業務部門是 Industrial Light & Magic。


  • 您的故事從哪裡開始?

    探索 Disney 職位空缺和 The Life at Disney 網誌,了解華特迪士尼公司有待發掘的所有精彩機會。

  • 迪士尼的故事裏,有你更精彩成就迪士尼故事


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探索此地點 APAC

70 多年來,The Walt Disney Company 一直為亞太地區的消費者提供娛樂,並豐富人們的生活。現今的消費者可在 APAC 地區的多個市場以豐富方式探索新品牌體驗。


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    在 Disney,我們致力於創造一個更美好的世界。整個世界充滿歸屬感,讓每人都覺得備受重視、傾聽和理解。整個世界滿載希望和承諾。






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