
Production Mgr

工作 ID 10101084 地點 大嶼山, 香港 有意工作的公司 Walt Disney Imagineering 日期已公佈 Sep. 25, 2024


員工和演藝人員是我們一切工作的核心,因此 Disney 提供具有競爭力的全面獎勵方案,包括薪資、健康和儲蓄福利、休假計劃、教育機會等。


  • 健康保險與健康
  • 托兒選項
  • 有薪假期
  • 退休計劃
  • 學費援助
  • 每週支薪

ESPN 高級研究員 Ana


Job Summary
Through innovative storytelling and a culture of collaboration, Disney Live Entertainment creates, produces, and delivers remarkable and engaging entertainment experiences. From the intimate to the spectacular, our work can be seen at Disney theme parks, resort hotels, cruise ships and other locations the world over. This diverse team – representing a wide variety of disciplines and talents from technical directors, writers and lighting designers to choreographers, cosmetologists, and music producers – brings magical worlds to life through technical expertise, performance excellence, incomparable ingenuity, unparalleled spectacle… and a dash of pixie dust.
The Production Manager drives production processes and financial success of assigned projects from inception to completion using a diversified background in project management. The Production Manager supports and maintains creative integrity while delivering outstanding production efficiency and operational reliability. The Production Manager monitors project status, deliverables, schedules, budgets, scope, and meetings.
You will report to a Producer.
Responsibilities/You Will
•    Planning and advising production teams on best practices and quality excellence, coordination with clients and partners to execute all Disney Live Entertainment components, and the ability to quickly offer solutions to address issues and identify process adaptations to meet project needs.
•    Accountable for the development of solid relationships with multiple partners at multiple levels to achieve the goals of assigned projects in partnership with Producers, Show Directors, Technical Directors, Technical Designers, Costumers, Entertainment Operations, and any other key team members and project partners.
•    Manage sourcing, procurement, contracting, and payment processes in partnership with contract administrators and procurement partners, tracking expenses and reporting on budget status, managing job numbers and budget authorizations, and ensuring that company financial policies and procedures are followed for all spending.
•    Manage project schedule and drive accountability to, and reporting of, key project completion milestones.
•    Scope includes overall project fiscal responsibility and facilitating efficiency efforts.
•    The Production Manager will ensure operational strategies and requirements are implemented into the production process and serve as the communication point for external and internal clients and stakeholders, as well as the interface for all other lines of business influenced by the project.
•    As a Disney leader, the Production Manager champions and supports safety, environmental, inclusion, and other corporate initiatives, ultimately enhancing the Guest/Cast Experience and driving business results
•    Ensure WDI-DLE strategies and requirements are implemented into the production process, and serve as the communication point for our clients and partners, and interface for all other lines of business influenced by the project.
Basic Qualifications/You Will Have
•    3+ years of professional leadership in live show/theatrical production, live event production, technical, or stage management
•    Demonstrated experience in project management, zero-based budget creation, labor and operating expense estimating and forecasting, and financial management/reporting with attention to detail and accuracy
•    Proven experience in leading procurement efforts for entertainment related goods/services and managing bid package processes
•    Lead conflict resolution with experience in team building and collaboration
•    Demonstrated delegation and negotiation skills
•    Working with all levels of leadership
•    Experience initiating, organizing, and completing multiple tasks on time
•    Analytical and administrative skills with the ability to identify areas for process improvement
•    Computer proficiency in Microsoft Office suite
•    Trusted and respected leader that guides with integrity
•    Receive and deliver honest, actionable, and credible feedback to team members
•    Available and willing to work weekends, holidays, and travel internationally
Preferred Qualifications
•    Ability to work independently and as part of a dynamic team and eager to be part of a vibrant, creative work culture, bringing and sharing unique perspectives to the role
•    Fluency in Mandarin / Cantonese
Required Education
High School Degree or Equivalent
Preferred Education
B.A. or B.S. in Theater, Design, Entertainment, Event Management, Project Management, or equivalent preferred


關於Walt Disney Imagineering:

華特迪士尼幻想工程 (WDI) 於 1952 年成立,最初以「WED 企業」之名設計並興建了全球首個主題樂園——迪士尼樂園,將想像及創意與尖端科技結合,締造令人畢生難忘的體驗。WDI 是想像、設計和建造全球所有迪士尼主題樂園、度假區、景點和郵輪的一股創意力量。幻想工程獨有的力量來自多元化的全球創意團隊及專業技術人員,在迪士尼故事敍述的偉大傳承上推而廣之,開拓出嶄新形式的娛樂。將這種揉合了藝術與科學的獨特作品付諸實踐的幻想工程師來自超過 100 個不同專業範疇,將意念由天馬行空的階段一路帶領到開幕日為止。

關於 The Walt Disney Company:

Walt Disney Company 連同其子公司和聯營公司,是領先的多元化國際家庭娛樂和媒體企業,其業務主要涉及三個範疇:Disney Entertainment、ESPN 及 Disney Experiences。Disney 在 1920 年代的起步之初,只是一間卡通工作室,至今已成為娛樂界的翹楚,並昂然堅守傳承,繼續為家庭中每位成員創造世界一流的故事與體驗。Disney 的故事、人物與體驗傳遍世界每個角落,深入人心。我們在 40 多個國家/地區營運業務,僱員及演藝人員攜手協力,創造全球和當地人們都珍愛的娛樂體驗。

這個職位隸屬於 WDImagineering Asia Limited,其所屬的業務部門是 Walt Disney Imagineering。


  • 您的故事從哪裡開始?

    探索 Disney 職位空缺和 The Life at Disney 網誌,了解華特迪士尼公司有待發掘的所有精彩機會。

  • 迪士尼的故事裏,有你更精彩成就迪士尼故事


  • 下一章


探索此地點 APAC

70 多年來,The Walt Disney Company 一直為亞太地區的消費者提供娛樂,並豐富人們的生活。現今的消費者可在 APAC 地區的多個市場以豐富方式探索新品牌體驗。


  • 行政領導


  • 多元、公平與包容

    在 Disney,我們致力於創造一個更美好的世界。整個世界充滿歸屬感,讓每人都覺得備受重視、傾聽和理解。整個世界滿載希望和承諾。






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