
Product Design & Development Director

ジョブID 10101428 勤務地を選択 ロンドン, イギリス 企業名 Disney Experiences 掲載日 Sep. 25, 2024




  • 健康保険とウェルビーイング
  • 保育オプションE
  • 有給休暇
  • リタイアメントプログラム
  • 授業料補助
  • 週給



Product Design and Development Director

Overall Purpose of the Role 

Lead product design and development across all brands for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), working with creative, category, franchise, and brand merchandising teams to ensure highest quality, consumer focused, trend-right product lines across licensing and Direct-to-retail (DTR) that build brand equity and meet financial targets 

Areas of Responsibility 

  • Lead the execution of product design and development for softlines to deliver on business needs and strategic intent of category 

  • With a focus on creativity and innovation, develop and deliver high quality, authentic storytelling products, which are scalable, and have longevity  

  • Lead up-front trend point of view (POV) for softlines in partnership with creative, and brand merchandising  

  • Identify future areas of growth (with approval of VP) in each franchise and across product categories 

  • Work with licensees to lead development of consumer-centric product lines that are trend-right, deliver market-leading innovation, drive revenue and capture market share globally 

  • Ensure that designs achieve great price/value for each tier of the value pyramid 

  • Drive a product design strategy that ensures our products are market leaders that deliver on business strategies 

  • Responsible for monitoring competitors, product innovations, and market dynamics to deliver trend-right product for each segment of the retail landscape 

  • Direct product approvals that uphold the integrity of our franchises and deliver the highest price value 

  • Work with licensees to design and approve market leading product lines for the franchises 

  • Direct execution against seasonal concept and vision for categories in partnership with creative, merchandising, and sourcing teams 

  • Partner with studio, content providers, global creative and marketing teams to bring our content and intellectual property (IP) to life properly and with a consistent brand point of view across the globe 

  • Monitor and maintain quality in colour, material, function and form of all products 

  • Obtain quality assurance (QA) approvals and re-design as needed to meet global TWDC quality standards 

  • Lead overall management of agency, DTR and partner relationships 

  • Regular review of systems and processes with the purpose of reducing administration and creating more creative time 

  • Establish and manage high level EMEA product to market (PTM) calendar anchored in global PTM but with the relevant local nuance  

Team Leadership and Management 


  • Lead the team to build compelling stories through product design to drive brand vision and increase emotional connection with our consumers 

  • Lead team through ambiguity and change – consistently engaging with, developing, and influencing teams effectively to a build strong collaborative environment  

  • Drive conversation and activities with sourcing to develop and cost the line, building cross-functional relationships   

  • Drive conversation with brand merchandising to create a product line in all activities, including key milestone meetings 

  • Lead communication and collaboration with key franchise partners 

  • Communicate to influence cross-functional partners to drive execution and remove roadblocks 

  • Maintain a strong point of view on consumer and trend and ensure that this is effectively communicated across stakeholders and management 

  • Lead through the team to build, develop and retain best-in-class design talent 

  • Manages operating budget for each category to meet financial targets 

Training and Professional Development  

  • Operate with integrity, champion change and be a good ambassador for DCP and the wider Walt Disney Company  

  • Operate as part of an effective and inclusive team by demonstrating an awareness of others; welcoming and valuing unique perspectives and ideas; offering support, sharing knowledge and best practices in order to contribute to overall departmental commitments 

  • Take ownership of your professional development through regular career conversations with your line manager and utilising available resources such as D Learn, instructor-led courses and on the job learning 

  • Proactively suggest ways to improve departmental performance and processes, leveraging technological tools where applicable  

  • Build links with other TWDC functions to develop broader knowledge of the business 

  • Promote and maintain an inclusive workplace, championing diversity and inclusion and make use of available resources to extend knowledge and best practice 

  • Manage the training and development of all direct reports ensuring commitments are set, regularly reviewed and feedback given using the D Achieve philosophy, where applicable  

  • Contribute to maintaining and enhancing the standard of training and development, encouraging participation so that everyone has the tools and resources to do their role effectively and efficiently  

Areas of Accountability 

  • Accountable to VP, Regional Merchandising & Product Design EMEA 

  • Accountable for successful delivery of designs that achieve great price/value for each tier of the value pyramid 

  • Accountable for effective partnership with studio, content providers, global creative and marketing teams to bring our content and IP to life properly and with a consistent brand point of view across the globe 

  • Accountable for leading communication and collaboration with key franchise partners 

  • Accountable for successful leadership and development of the team 

  • Accountable for cultivating and maintaining productive relationships and collaborating across departments internally and externally  

  • Accountable for managing defined operating budget for each category to meet financial targets  

  • Accountable for helping to build compelling stories to drive brand vision which leads to an  increased emotional connection with our consumers  

Experience and Professional Qualifications Required 

  • Significant product development experience at leadership level 

  • Experience in designing and developing softlines product that resonates with consumers both globally and locally across the world 

  • Deep knowledge and understanding of licensing and experience working with multiple global and regional partners 

  • Strong understanding and high level of interest of The Walt Disney Company consumer product portfolio  

  • Experience working with large-scale, global retailers and partners to bring product designs to market for a variety of different consumer targets 

  • Proven experience of working, and thriving, in a matrix organisation 

  • Experience in multiple retail and distribution models within the global market   

  • Proven experience of leading, developing, and managing the performance of a creative team 

  • Proven experience of building effective relationships, leading and managing change and collaboration across departments 

Skills Required 

  • Leadership skills – skilled in leading through change and uncertainty 

  • Skilled in building effective networks and influencing key stakeholders and achieving buy-in at all levels 

  • Commitment to team engagement and development  

  • Financial acumen 

  • Ability to motivate and inspire a team and lead them towards a common goal 

  • Demonstrable ability to lead a product design team in the creation of consumer-led items through the development cycle 

  • Demonstrable ability to capitalise on market trends and consumer Zeitgeist to maximize value creation throughout the trend cycle  

  • Demonstrable ability to create, leverage and scale innovation in consumer products 

  • Strategic thinker with the ability to drive quality product design within financial Key Performance indicators (KPIs) 

  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate and engage with a diverse audience including but not limited to external partners and business owners, to bring product designs to life 

  • Proven ability to think creatively to bring and infuse new ideas into product design and not be afraid to challenge the status quo 

  • Demonstrable ability to lead the organisational and cultural change efforts needed to ensure new, innovative concepts, business practices, and technologies are fully adopted and integrated into the business 

  • Cultural sensitivity and an understanding of local markets across EMEA 

  • Computer literate including MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), Adobe and other design packages 

Additional Information 

  • Flexibility for frequent UK, European or international travel may be required  

  • Contribution to ad-hoc projects as the business requires  

  • Flexible hours may be required to meet business needs 


Disney Experiencesについて:

Disney Experiencesは、テーマパーク、リゾート、クルーズ船、ユニークなバケーション体験、製品などを通じて、ディズニーのストーリーとフランチャイズの魔法を世界中に届けています。ディズニーは、米国、欧州、アジアの6つのリゾート、トップレーティングのクルーズライン、人気のバケーションオーナーシッププログラム、受賞歴のあるガイド付きファミリーアドベンチャービジネスを有し、旅行業界でひときわ輝いています。さらに、ディズニーのグローバルコンシューマー製品事業には、世界をリードするライセンスビジネス、世界最大の子ども向け出版ブランド、あらゆるプラットフォームのゲームにおける世界有数のライセンシング、世界中のロケーションおよびオンラインのディズニーストアがあります。

The Walt Disney Company について:

The Walt Disney Companyは、その子会社・関連会社とともに、多様性あふれる国際企業として、Disney Entertainment、ESPN、Disney Experiencesの3事業を柱に、ファミリー向けエンターテインメントとメディアの世界をけん引しています。1920年代に小さなアニメ・スタジオとしてスタートしたDisneyは、今日のエンターテインメント業界において卓越した存在となりました。ディズニーは今後も、子供から大人まで、ご家族のだれもが楽しめる一流の物語や体験を生み出し続けます。Disneyのストーリーやキャラクター、体験は、世界中のあらゆる場所の消費者やお客様に届けられています。当社は40カ国以上で、従業員とキャストメンバーが一丸となり、世界的にも地域的にも歓迎されるエンターテインメント体験を創出しています。

このポジションはThe Walt Disney Company Limitedという事業部門の一つであるDisney Experiencesでのお仕事です。

The Walt Disney Company Limited は、機会均等雇用主です。応募者は、年齢、人種、肌の色、宗教または信条、性別、国籍、民族性または出身国、性的指向、性転換、配偶者/性的少数者や事実婚パートナーシップの有無、障害、妊娠、または出産に関わらず、雇用の検討対象となります。ディズニーは、企業が成長し、革新を生み、最高のストーリーを創出し、急速に変化する世界に対応できるよう、あらゆる人のアイデアや決定を尊重する企業文化を育みます。



  • あなたのストーリーはどこから始まりますか?

    Disney CareersやLife at Disneyブログを探索し、ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーで待っている素晴らしい機会について学びましょう。

  • ストーリーに参加する


  • 次の章


この場所を探索する EMEA

ディズニー EMEAは、29カ国にオフィスを構え、59の市場で6,000人以上の従業員を擁し、非常に多様な国々での成長、イノベーション、ブランドアフィニティの推進を目指しています。


  • エグゼクティブ/上級管理職


  • 多様性、公平性、包摂性

    ディズニーは、より良い世界となるよう全力を注いでいます。それは、一人ひとりが「配慮されている」「話に耳を傾けられている」「理解されている」と感じることのできる、誰もが居場所のある世界であり、 希望と期待に満ちた世界です。











  1. お客様の個人情報は、3 Queen Caroline Street, London, W6 9PE, United Kingdomにあるウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニー株式会社によって管理されます。
  2. ディズニーへの訪問やそこでの買い物、ディズニーの商品、サービス、モバイルアプリをご利用いただくと、ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーファミリー企業がお客様の個人情報を用いてこれらのサービスを提供したり、お客様の体験をパーソナライズしたり、サービスに関わる更新情報や連絡をお送りしたりする場合があります。
  3. お客様には、ご自身の個人情報に対して、アクセスや、変更・削除の要請をする権利、マーケティングに関する設定を変更(常時の同意撤回も含む)する権利があります。マーケティングに関する設定の管理やアカウントの削除に関する詳細は、弊社のプライバシーポリシー(新しいウィンドウで開きます)をご覧ください。
  4. 当社のデータ保護責任者にEメールにてご連絡いただくことも可能です(dataprotection@disney.co.uk宛)。
  5. お客様は、英国個人情報保護監督機関(https://ico.org.uk/(新しいウィンドウで開きます))に苦情を申し立てる権利を有しています。
  6. ディズニーのデータ収集とその利用方法についての詳細は、ディズニーのプライバシーポリシー(新しいウィンドウで開きます)をお読みください。


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